Current Courses

TA Hours: We have (in-person) evening TAs from Sunday to Thursday weekly from the second week (that is the week starting Sunday February 9) except during the spring break. Please find the TA schedule and Windows & Writing support here.

Spring 2025

January 2025

Fall 2024

Computer Science at Colby


Computer Science studies the design of computational processes, computing systems, and virtual objects. We're trying to answer the question, 'What can computers do?', which encompasses theory, application, and hardware.

Due to its broad applicability, Computer Science impacts and interacts with a wide variety of disciplines. Many recent advances in both the natural and social sciences would not have been possible without the exponential growth in computing power and the corresponding design of advanced algorithms brought about by the work of computer scientists.

The Colby Computer Science Department is committed to integrating computer science and the liberal arts. Our goal is to provide Colby students with a strong background in CS, while also teaching them how to integrate their knowledge with other disciplines in order to produce new and innovative discoveries. Whether you want to be a major, minor, or just take a few courses, whatever your interests, knowing more about computers and computation will give you the ability to expand your possibilities.

If you are interested in computer science, drop by and talk with the CS faculty or students on first floor of the Davis Science Building.

CS Department in the News

Congratulations to our student Lucas Lefebvre '26 for winning the award for Best Blitz at CUSRR 2024 for his work on active learning methods for acquiring features from users of ML systems!

Congratulations to our student Alexander Lyon '26 for winning the John C. Chahbazi Award for Excellent Presentation at CUSRR 2023 for his work on creating a large-scale video dataset generator.

CS students form an officially recognized chapter to build 3D printed prosthetics. Contact e-NABLE at Colby club president (Brunda Katikireddy ‘24) for details on getting involved!

Congratulations to our student Tamsin Rogers ’23 on winning best talk award at CUSRR 2021 for her research work on reducing the time and cost of software debugging.

Regan Bragg and the Jr High Coding Club featured in the Morning Sentinel and the Colby Magazine.

Check out the Promotional Video for the JR High Coding Club