Lab Exercise 11:
The final project is your chance to bring together all the things you've learned this semester. You can choose from a number of different possible projects: a game, an enhanced rover, or an interactive sculpture. Whatever you choose to build, it needs to incorporate sensing, motion, and visual or audio output.
- Pick a general topic for your project. The following are some suggestions; you can select topics not on the list.
- Kinematic Sculpture: create something that responds to its environment in an artistic/interesting way.
- Advanced Rover: add more sensors/capabilities to your rover. These might include more distance sensors for avoiding obstacles, an H-bridge chip so your motors can move either direction, or more types of sensors.
- Musical Instrument: create a musical instrument that makes use of at least two sensors.
- Game: create a game of your choice.
- Once you have picked a general topic, develop a more specific idea. Keep it simple. You can always add things once you have a basic project working.
- Identify what board parts you will need for your project. We may be able to provide/order some additional parts, if necessary.
- Identify what C++ classes you will need to create for the project. Each sensor/output/motor should have its own class (which may be the child class of something like Sensor).
- Sketch out the overall design of your program. If it requires a state machine to manage the actions, write out the state machine diagram, noting the event that causes each state change along the appropriate edge.
- Sketch out the order in which you will develop your project. Focus on building out the pieces in such a way that you can test them as you go.
- Go over your design ideas with the professor. Then get started.
When you are done with the lab exercises, you may start on the rest of the project.