Lab exercises and project assignments will be posted here weekly each Wednesday. The usual deadline is the following Tuesday night at midnight. But there are some exceptions. The work in lab will lead into and be part of the week's project. Labs will also count significantly towards participation.

Section A, B, C, D
Semester Spring 2016
Date Time, Location
  • Section A: W 1:00 - 2:20 pm, Davis 102
  • Section B: W 2:30 - 3:50 pm, Davis 102
  • Section C: R 1:00 - 2:20 pm, Davis 102
  • Section D: R 2:30 - 3:50 pm, Davis 102
Instructor Ying Li
Office: Davis 115
Phone: (207)-859-5852
Office hours: M, T 1:30 - 4:30 pm, R 4 - 5 pm. If the door is open and I'm not already in a meeting, feel free to come in.
Course Goals The learning goals for the lecture and lab are the same -- both are meant to work together to accomplish the goals for the course as a whole. They are
  1. Students can read a simple program and correctly identify its behavior.
  2. Students understand abstraction and can break down a program into appropriate procedural and object-oriented components.
  3. Students can generate an approximate model of computer memory and describe how an algorithm affects its contents.
  4. Students can communicate the result of their work and describe an algorithm.

The work in lab will lead into and be part of the week's project. Labs will also count significantly towards participation.

During each lab, the instructor will not be able to answer questions about any projects until you have completed the exercises for that lab.


Programming projects involve completing more significant programs as well as a writeup describing the work completed in the project.

Each project will have a set of suggested extensions. The required tasks constitute about 83% of the assignment, and if you do only the required tasks and do them well you will earn a B. To earn a higher grade, you need to undertake at least one extension. The difficulty and quality of the extension or extensions will determine your final grade for the assignment. One significant extension, or 2-3 smaller ones, done well, is typical.

Every student is allowed a free 4-day extension to one project. Let us know when you are taking your "freebie". Other late projects will be given reduced grades. Programming projects are graded on a 30 point scale. For each day late (up to four days), your grade will be reduced by 3 points. Projects more than four days late will not be accepted. Also, the freebie will not be accepted if it is submitted more than 4 days after the due date.

Title IX Statement

Colby College prohibits and will not tolerate sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination of any kind. Colby is legally obligated to investigate sexual misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual assault and sexual harassment).

If you wish to speak confidentially about an incident of sexual misconduct, please contact Colby Counseling Services (207-859-4490) or the Director of the Gender and Sexual Diversity Program, Emily Schusterbauer (207-859-4093).

Students should be aware that faculty members are considered responsible employees; as such, if you disclose an incident of sexual misconduct to a faculty member, they have an obligation to report it to Colby's Title IX Coordinator. "Disclosure" may include communication in-person, via email/phone/text, or through class assignments.

To learn more about sexual misconduct or report an incident, visit

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