Focuses on the common structures used to store data and the standard algorithms for manipulating them. Standard data structures include lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs. Standard algorithms include searching, sorting, and traversals. Along with implementation details, students will learn to analyze the time and space efficiency of algorithms and how to select appropriate data structures and algorithms for a specific application. In homework, labs, and programming projects, students will implement their own data structures and make use of existing libraries to solve a variety of computational problems.
Sections | A&B | |||||||||||||||
Semester | Spring 2022 | |||||||||||||||
Dates Times, Locations |
Instructors | Section A: Prof. Hannen Wolfe Office: Davis 114 Email: Office hours: Monday 2-4pm, Tuesday 3-4pm, Thursday 12-3pm, and by appointment. Section B: Prof. Allen Harper Office: Davis 113 Email: Office hours: MWF 12-1pm, M&Tu 4-5pm, or by appointment |
Lab Instructors | Lab Sections A&B: Prof. Allen Harper Office: Davis 113 Email: Office hours: MWF 12-1pm, M&Tu 4-5pm, or by appointment Lab TA Section A: Laura Drepanos Lab TA Section B: Baron Wang Lab Sections C&D: Prof. Max Bender Office: Davis 115 Email: Office hours: Prof. Bender's Office Hours Lab TA Section C: Ella McNally Lab TA Section D: Garam Choi |
Weekly Course Schedule |
The following structure will rarely change.
Evening TAs |
In order to provide as much help as possible to you as you work on assignments in this course, the CS Department has hired the following upper-level CS students to work as TAs in Davis in the afternoons and evenings. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this resource. TA Hours: All TA sessions will be in person in Spring 2022. Here is the TA schedule and Windows Support.
Course Goals |
The learning goals for the lecture and lab are the same -- both are
meant to work together to accomplish the goals for the course as a
whole. They are
Labs and Projects |
The work in lab will lead into and be part of the week's project. Labs will also count significantly towards participation. During each lab, the instructor will not answer questions about any projects until you have completed the exercises for that lab. Programming projects involve completing more significant programs as well as a writeup describing the work completed in the project. |
Grading |
There will be regular opportunities for you to practice what you have learned and to demonstrate your accomplishments. The course grade will be determined as follows:
Homeworks |
Weekly quizzes |
Class Participation |
Final Exam |
Sections A & B:Thursday, May 12 at 6:00pm. There are no make-ups. |
Backups |
It should go without saying that you should back up any files related to this course. If the code you submit to us is somehow lost (through your fault or our fault), I must be able to get another copy from you. I suggest keeping your CS231 labs and projects on Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive. That way, you have a backup stored in the cloud. |
Textbook |
There is no required textbook for this course. All lecture notes and code from class will be posted on Moodle. There are also lots of on-line resources available. Links to free online data structures textbooks:
How to succeed |
Labs and Projects: Come to lab ready to focus on the new project. Ask the instructor and TAs for help if you need it. Short homeworks: Try them. You will receive full credit as long as you make an honest attempt to complete every question. Please ask or email questions if something isn't clear. As long as you submit your response by Thursday at noon you will get credit. Review the homework solutions to check your understanding of the material before the quiz. There is no partial credit for late homeworks because we may go over the answers in class on Friday before you take the quiz. Quizzes: Study for the quizzes by doing the homeworks. Participation: Speak up in class. Come to office hours. Ask your instructors or TA for help. Final Exam: The final exam will be similar to a large set of quizzes (but written from a more wholistic perspective). The best way to study for the final exam is to retake all of the old quizzes. Also, read through your notes and make sure you understand everything in them. |
Collaboration, Academic honesty |
Computer science, both academically and professionally, is a collaborative discipline. In any collaboration, however, all parties are expected to make their own contributions and to generously credit the contributions of others. In our class, therefore, collaboration on assignments is encouraged, but you as an individual are responsible for understanding all the material in the assignment and doing your own work. Always strive to do your best, give generous credit to others, start early, and seek help early from both your professors and classmates. The following rules are intended to help you get the most out of your education and to clarify the line between honest and dishonest work. We reserve the right to ask you to verbally explain the reasoning behind any answer or code that you turn in and to modify your project grade based on your answers. It is vitally important that you turn in work that is your own. We do use automated plagiarism detection software, so please be sure to abide by these, rather minimal, rules. Reports of academic dishonesty are handled by an academic review board and a finding of academic dishonesty may result in significant sanctions. For more details on Colby's Academic Integrity policies and procedures, see
The Colby Affirmation |
Colby College is a community dedicated to learning and committed to the growth and well-being of all its members. As a community devoted to intellectual growth, we value academic integrity. We agree to take ownership of our academic work, to submit only work that is our own, to fully acknowledge the research and ideas of others in our work, and to abide by the instructions and regulations governing academic work established by the faculty. As a community built on respect for ourselves, each other, and our physical environment, we recognize the diversity of people who have gathered here and that genuine inclusivity requires active, honest, and compassionate engagement with one another. We agree to respect each other, to honor community expectations, and to comply with College policies. As a member of this community, I pledge to hold myself and others accountable to these values. More ... |
Title IX Statement |
Colby College prohibits and will not tolerate sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination of any kind. Colby is legally obligated to investigate sexual misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual assault and sexual harassment). If you wish to speak confidentially about an incident of sexual misconduct, please contact Colby Counseling Services (207-859-4490) or the Director of the Gender and Sexual Diversity Program, Emily Schusterbauer (207-859-4093). Students should be aware that faculty members are considered responsible employees; as such, if you disclose an incident of sexual misconduct to a faculty member, they have an obligation to report it to Colby's Title IX Coordinator. "Disclosure" may include communication in-person, via email/phone/text, or through class assignments. To learn more about sexual misconduct or report an incident, visit |
Academic Accommodations |
I am available to discuss academic accommodations that any student with a documented disability may
require. Please note that you’ll need to provide a letter from the Dean of Studies Office documenting
your approved accommodations. Please meet with me within two weeks of the start of the semester to
make a request for accommodations so that we can work together with the College to make the
appropriate arrangements for you. Office of Student Access & Disability Services ( is the primary contact for accommodations and any questions related to
educational testing and documentation. Mental health: I care about my students’ well-being and understand they may face mental health challenges. Students are encouraged to seek support from the College’s available resources, including your advising dean and Counseling Services. (For immediate care, please call 207-859-4490 and press “0” to reach the on-call counselor.) I am willing to discuss reasonable accommodations during a crisis, but to fulfill our educational mission, students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy. Failure to do so because of mental health challenges may require consultation with the Dean of Studies Office. | |||||||||||||||
Respect for Diversity |
It is my intent that students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well-served by this course,
that students' learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students
bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. I expect you to feel challenged and
sometimes outside of your comfort zone in this course, but it is my intent to present materials and
activities that are inclusive and respectful of all persons, no matter their gender, sexual orientation,
disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, culture, perspective, and other background
characteristics. I have attempted to avoid scheduling exams during major religious holidays. If, however, I have inadvertently scheduled an exam or major deadline that creates a conflict with your religious observances, please let me know within two weeks of the start of classes so that we can make other arrangements. Colby College is supportive of the religious practices of its students, faculty, and staff. The College is committed to ensuring that all students are able to observe their religious beliefs without academic penalty. Class rosters are provided to each instructor with the student's legal name. I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name and/or gender pronoun. Please advise me of this early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records. |
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